When is my Rail Tour booking confirmed?

Once you have booked your chosen Rail Tour by clciking on "I want to book this trip":

  1. You will recieve an automated confirmation of your booking request immediately
  2. You will recieve a preliminary booking confirmation within 10 business days. At this point you don't need to pay anything yet.
  3. The definitive booking confirmation will follow as soon as possible, once all hotel accommodations are arranged. All the details as shown on this booking are definitive.
  4. We only ask for the first payment installment after the definitive booking confirmation. Please note however, that by making a booking, you agree to make the booking definitively, meaning charges may occur when you cancel your booking.

Please note:

All bookings are subject to availability. Sometimes some trains or hotels may be fully booked, in which case we will book a suitable alternative. The hotels as listed on the preliminary booking confirmation still be changed, whereas the definitive booking confirmation has all the finalized details of your trip

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