How do I find my seats on board of the trains?

Long-distance trains in Europe have either optional or mandatory seat reservations. Your seat reservation is valid for a specific train and consists of a carriage number and a seat number. The carriage numbers are displayed on or next to the doors of the train, and the seat numbers displayed on or above the seats. 


  • When in doubt about where your seat is, ask the train staff. 
  • An overview of which trains require mandatory reservations can be found here. Or look for our information about your specific type of train!
  • Mandatory seat reservations come as standard on all tickets bought via Happyrail, and all Rail Tour package holidays have all necessary reservations included. For an overview of which trains require mandatory reservations please see 
  • Regional trains (for example R, RB RE, RV, S, TER) don't feature seat reservations. On these trains you can take any free seat.

Carriage numbers are almost always displayed on the doors or next to the doors:

Seat numbers are displayed on the seats themselves or directly above:

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