Which trains include meals? Which trains have a dining car?
Most long-distance trains in Europe have either a full dining car or a bistro area for take-away meals, drinks or snacks. Meals are usually not included in your ticket, unless specifically stated otherwise. Dining cars in all countries include vegetarian options; for vegan or gluten-free options, consult the menu of your specific country/type of train.
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in Austria like?
- All ICE and Railjet (RJ & RJX) trains have either a bistro area for take-away drinks, snacks and meals, or a full dining car with at-your-seat service. In first class and business you can order at your seat from the train attendant.
- EC (Eurocity) trains have a full dining car on some routes but no catering at all on other routes; please consult a rail planner app/website about your specific train.
- IC (Intercity) trains do not have any catering options.
- Westbahn (WB) trains have vending machines available for hot and cold drinks and snacks.
- Regiojet trains (not to be confused with Railjet) offer drinks and light meals served at your seat that you can buy via the onboard wifi portal, and welcome drinks served at your seat in business class. For more information please see What are trains like in the Czech Republic - Regiojet
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in the Netherlands/Belgium/Luxemburg like?
- National trains do not have any catering facilities.
- ICE trains to Germany feature a dining car.
- Eurostar trains to the Netherlands, France, Germany and the United Kingdom feature vending machines, and meals are included in certain 1st class tickets (consult your ticket).
Czech Republic
For more detailed information please see What are trains like in the Czech Republic?
- National and international Railjet (RJ), EC and IC trains have a full dining car available with warm meals, snacks and drinks.
- Some individual trains to Poland don't have a dining car, or not on the entire route. Check your train in the Ceske Drahy app, ask at the station before boarding, or check the travel info (when you booked a Rail Tour package holiday) provided by us.
- Regiojet trains (not to be confused with Railjet) have drinks and snacks that can be ordered via the Regiojet app to be brought to your seat. Free snacks and/or drinks are included dependent on your travel class.
- Leo Express trains have drinks and snacks available to buy and sometimes included dependent on your travel class.
- For more detailed information please see What are trains in the Czech Republic like.
- National trains and international trains to Germany do not have catering options in 2nd class.
- In 1st class on most long-distance trains, drinks and snacks are available for free.
- International connections to Sweden on high-speed trains (X2000 or Snabbtag) have dining cars (not available on R regional and Oresund trains to Sweden).
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in France like?
- All TGV trains, including international routes (to Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, Switzerland and Spain) have a bistro car for simple (hot and cold) meals, snacks and drinks. In first class, you can order at your seat from the train attendant.
- International ICE to Germany have a full dining car serving warm meals, snacks and drinks.
- International AVE trains to Spain have a bistro with simple meals, snacks and drinks.
- In 1st class, depending on your ticket type, a meal might be included. Please check your ticket for details.
- International Eurostar trains have a simple café-car with hot and cold drinks and snacks. For some first-class tickets a three-course meal (depending on the time of day) is included in the price and will be served at your seat; please consult your ticket for details.
- Intercités (IC) trains have a trolley service on certain connections.
- Regional (TER) and suburban trains don't have any catering options.
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in Germany like?
- Long-distance trains have a bistro car with simple warm and cold meals, drinks and snacks. In 1st class (or Ekstra class) drinks are available for free.
- Sleeper trains have a similar bistro with the availability to order simple meals, drinks and snacks to your cabin.
- Regional trains generally don't feature any catering options.
- Railjet (RJ & RJX) services to Austria have a full dining car with at-your-seat service serving warm meals, snacks and drinks. In first class, you can order at your seat from the train attendant.
- International Eurocity (EC) trains have a full dining car with at-your-seat service serving warm meals, snacks and drinks.
- National Intercity (IC) trains sometimes have a small bistro for snacks and drinks, but not on other routes. Inform at the station about your specific train.
- For Regiojet trains (not to be confused with Railjet) to Austria and the Czech Republic, please see What are trains in the Czech Republic like?
- Regional trains have no catering options.
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in Italy like?
- High speed trains (Frecciarossa, Italo) have a buffet car with simple meals, drinks and snacks.
- Intercity trains (IC) have either a small café, only vending machines, or no catering at all depending on the route served. Please consult your ticket, the Trenitalia app, consult Happyrail or when you booked a Rail Tour, check your travel info.
- International EC and RJ trains have a dining car with full warm meals, snacks and drinks.
- Regional trains feature no catering.
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in the Netherlands/Belgium/Luxemburg like?
- National trains don't have any catering options onboard. However kiosks are available at most train stations, and at major train stations also on the platforms themselves.
- ICE trains to Germany have a dining car for full warm meals, snacks and drinks (however IC trains to Berlin do not).
- Eurostar trains to the Belgium, France and the United Kingdom feature vending machines, and meals are included in certain 1st class tickets (consult your ticket).
For more detailed information see: What are trains in Norway like?
- Long-distance trains feature a dining car as well as free refreshments for 1st class passengers (called Pluss or Ekstra on some routes)
- Some regional trains have coffee machines available.
- X2/X2000 trains to Sweden feature a dining car. Other international trains to Sweden only have coffee machines available.
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in Poland like?
- Most international EC/EIC trains, all national high-speed trains (EIP) and most long-distance national IC trains have a full dining car available with freshly cooked warm meals, snacks and drinks. You can either be served in the dining car or take away to your seat.
- Regional trains don't feature catering options.
- National and international Eurocity (EC) and Railjet (RJ) trains have a full dining car available with warm meals, snacks and drinks.
- National Express (Ex) trains feature a full dining car with warm meals, snacks and drinks.
- For Regiojet trains (not to be confused with Railjet) to the Czech Republic and Hungary, as well as Leo Express trains to Czech Republic, please see What are trains in the Czech Republic like?
- All other train categories and regional trains don't feature catering options.
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in Spain like?
- Most long-distance trains have a buffet car and/or a mobile bar service. In first class on some trains, you can order directly from your seat.
- This varies per individual train, so please consult the travel itinerary for more details.
- Long-distance trains with catering include AVE, Iryo, Ouigo, Euromed, TGV, Alvia.
- In some first-class tickets, meals are included in the ticket price. Please consult your ticket for details.
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in Sweden like?
- High-speed trains (Snabtag or X2000) between major cities feature a bistro with simple warm and cold meals as well as drinks and snacks. In 1st class drinks and snacks are included for free.
- Some IC long-distance trains feature the same options, while others only have drinks and snacks in 1st class but no other catering options. Inform at the station or with SJ about your specific connection.
- Regional trains generally don't feature catering options, with the exceptions of drinks and snacks being available in 1st class on some trains.
Switzerland and Swiss scenic trains
- All international long-distance trains (TGV, ICE, EC, ECE) and most national Intercity (IC) trains have a full restaurant car for either take-away or at-your-seat service.
- Some interregional or regional (IR/R) trains have simple vending machines and coffee machines on board as well.
- The offer per scenic train differs. For more information please see our scenic trains page.
- Glacier Express offers at-your-seat meals and drinks, and meals can be ordered along with your ticket/seat reservation beforehand. In our Rail Tour packages a three-course meal is included as standard.
- Bernina Express and Gotthard Panorama Express offer at-your-seat snacks and drinks.
- GoldenPass trains have at-your-seat service for snacks and drinks, which can also be ordered along with your ticket. In our Rail Tour packages, drinks and/or snacks are sometimes included as standard.
- Luzern-Interlaken Express has a dedicated dining car for take-away or at-your-seat service.
United Kingdom
For more detailed information please see: What are trains in the UK like?
- Most long-distance trains offer a mobile bar service throughout the train, which is free to passengers in first class, with drinks, snacks and/or simple meals.
- These include most intercity services from/to London and Scotland. Check a rail planner app/website or your travel itinerary for more details.
- Some selected longer distance services in Scotland and Wales feature a dining car. This will be indicated in your ticket (or check with the operator of your train).
- Regional trains generally don't include catering options, except a similar trolley service with drinks and snacks on some longer routes.
Other countries - onboard catering available
- Lithuania: international and long-distance trains (including to Poland and Riga) have a selection of snacks and hot and cold drinks available. A steward will pass through the train (in both 1st and 2nd class) to show the menu and take your order, and will bring your order to your seat. Payment is in cash or by card.
- Luxemburg:Onl y TGV services to France have catering options, for which please see TGV under 'France'. All other trains don't have catering.
- Portugal: high-speed Alfa Pendular (AP) trains have a dining car with simple meals, drinks and snacks available. Intercity (IC) trains have a bistro with snacks and drinks available. Regional trains and international trains to Spain don't feature catering options.
- Romania: trains generally don't feature catering options, with the exception of a few long-distance trains from Bucarest to major cities which features a bar with drinks and snacks.
- Slovenia: Most trains don't have any catering options
- With the exception of the international Eurocity train Vienna-Ljubljana (EC 150 and EC 151 train numbers as per the 2025 timetable). A dining car with warm meals, drinks and snacks is available, with payment only possible in cash.
Other countries - no onboard catering available
- Bulgaria
- Croatia (except breakfast in some sleeper trains)
- Estonia
- Latvia
- Serbia (Belgrade-Bar sleeper trains used to have a dining car but it is unclear if this still runs. Inform at the station before departure).