Italy / Trenitalia - Eurail Seat Reservations


Seat reservations are mandatory for all high speed trains like the Frecciarossa and all InterCity/EuroCity trains. Eurail passes are not valid on Italo high-speed trains. Separate Italo tickets can be bought via our European rail planner.

Eurail seat reservation fees are subject to changes. We make every effort to keep the rates shown as accurate as possible. 

Train type Routes Mandatory
Price 2nd class Price 1st class
Various routes within Italy
Yes $14 $14
Italo Various. Eurail not valid. / Eurail not valid Eurail not valid
Intercity Various cross-country routes Yes $4 $4
Intercity Notte
(sleeper trains)
Various North-South
overnight routes
Yes $5.40* (seat)
$44* (shared sleeper)
$136* (private sleeper)
Eurocity (EC) Italy - Switzerland Yes** $14 $14
Eurocity (EC) &
Railjet (RJ)
Italy - Austria
Italy - Germany
Yes** $4 $4
Eurocity (EC) Italy - Slovenia*** No $6*** $8.20***
Nightjet (NJ) 
sleeper trains
La Spezia-Milan-Munich
La Spezia-Milan-Vienna
(Rome-) Florence-Munich
(Rome-) Florence-Vienna
Yes See Nightjet
sleeper trains
See Nightjet
sleeper trains

*Sleeper reservations can be made via the Happyrail reservations service. Prices may change depending on availability. Seat reservations can be made via the Eurail app.
**Only mandatory on international sections. Reservations within Switzerland and Austria are not mandatory.
***Not available via the Happyrail reservations service; can be bought via the Eurail app.

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